Center for Development Studies



The Marga Institute is an independent non-profit Centre for Development Studies established in 1972 under the Companies Act of Sri Lanka. Marga has conducted sustained and wide-ranging programmes of multi-disciplinary research and studies relevant to development. Research being the principal activity, Marga Institute takes a critical look at past and on-going development processes in Sri Lanka. Current Socio-Economic studies are complemented by dissemination of its output through education and training, Publications and Civil Society Forum discussions.

vision marga

Our Vision

To be a premier multi-disciplinary research
organization that helps to build a society that is
informed and civic conscious.

Our Mission

To facilitate an ongoing public dialogue on
development issues among all stakeholders with
a view to sharing research knowledge and
promoting the achievement of sustainable
development goals and lifestyle at local as
well as national level.

marga mission

Current Projects

  1. Assignment from ILO – Analysis of Nexus between Ageing Workforce and Labour Migration.
  2. End of Project Evaluation of Youth Participation and Engagement for a Healthier, Equitable, Safer, and United Sri Lanka- Assignment from World Health Organisation Sri Lanka.

Recently Completed Projects (2018-2024)

  1. Working with Civil Society Organizations to conduct critical research.
  2. Establishing CSO Forums to discuss and resolve community issues.
  3. National CSO Forum and soft launch of Guidebook and tool kit to conduct critical research.
  4. Supported collaboration between civil society and legislators on critical policy research and conducted a forum on strengthening evidence-based policy-making.
  5. Built social cohesion through Development Dialogues.
  6. Official Languages Policy (OLP) Monitoring Centre.
  7. The Marga study on the impact of the economic crisis on SMEs.
  8. SDG Mainstreamed Mid Term Development Plans for selected Municipal Councils and Urban Councils in North, North Central, Eastern, and Uva Provinces.
  9. Developed case studies on the early identification of the drivers of environmental-resource-based communal conflicts for preventive action.
  10. Mapped data collection, analysis, and dissemination capacity of key justice sector institutions in Sri Lanka.
  11. Designing and Conducting Focus Group Discussions for the New Youth Policy
  12. Monitoring Online and Offline Media Platforms to assess their impact on minority communities
  13. The Marga study on “system change”, public opinion on Executive Presidency
  14. Marga Study on how Farmers are coping with Fertiliser shortage and transport issues
  15. The Marga study on Urbanisation funded by Gamani Corea Foundation
  16. Survey to measure and track the progress of compliance of Public authorities on Official Languages Policy
  17. Survey on the Drivers and Barriers faced by SMEs in aligning with Responsible Business Practices in the COVID 19 Context for UNDP
  18. NATIONAL LANGUAGES FUND (NLF)- Language Rights through cultural traditions for National Languages Equality Advancement Project (NLEAP)
  19. Marga Study on Female Labour Force Participation funded by Gamani Corea Foundation
  20. Marga Study on Secondary Education funded by Gamani Corea Foundation
  21. Phone survey to ascertain the impact of COVID-19 on Early Childhood Development Centres (Pre-schools) for World Bank
  22. Developing case studies on the provision of Seed Grants to Promote Inter-Community Collaboration and Social Cohesion for Asia Foundation
  23. Political Economy and Gender Analysis of Community and Policy Interventions and Community Assessments of Spread of Hate Speech, Social Cohesion, and Preventing Violent Extremism for UNDP
  24. Communication Tool kit for CSOs and CBOs to support freedom of religion and belief
  25. Partnership Mapping and Gap Analysis with Key Stakeholders on Preventing Violent Extremism and Social Cohesion Related Policy Environments in Sri Lanka
  26. Capacity building of Official Languages Commission staff in enhancing skills in research methodologies funded by NLEAP
  27. Survey of purposively selected public institutions on compliance with official languages policy
  28. Streamlining of indicators of the SGD 16 Results Framework (To streamline indicators, establish and verify baselines of the UNDP results framework of the SDG 16 portfolio)– For UNDP

Other projects completed

  1. Early Child Development in Sri Lanka, Survey on pre-school education- For World Bank
  2. Training programme on Research for OLC staff (Training on research methodologies)
  3. “Language Resource Needs Assessment- Survey of 50 public institutions to ascertain the level of compliance with Official Languages policy.
  4. Network Trade in South Asia Product Translation, Regional integration in South East Asia – for South Asia Network of Economic Research Institute (SANEI)
  5. Research methodology in community Development Short Course for World Vision Staff
  6. Early Child Education Studies in Sri Lanka for World Bank
  7. Building Media and Civil Society Capacities for Budget Transparency  for World Bank
  8. Empowering Youth to Bridge the Ethnic Divide Through School Twinning Programme- USAID
  9. Compilation of bibliography of publication & provide guidance to secondary information on dry zone- For CARE International
  10. Update the Directory on Profile of health related NGOs- For WHO
  11. Study on the Search for a Sri Lankan Identity with Peace Building through the Application of core religious values and synthesis of relevant Local Indicators- For GTZ- FLICT
  12. Consultancy on Development of a Proposal to understand University Student Unrest & Suggest Remedial Actions- Ministry of Higher Education
  13. Policy Dialogues on Development Democracy and peace in the Eastern Province- Asia Foundation
  14. Macroeconomic Impact of International Migration- SANEI
  15. Inward remittances of migrant workers – For IOM
  16. Study on tertiary education – For SANEI    
marga srilanka logo

The Marga Institute was set up in 1972 as independent non-profit development research & training center with an activist arm that engages with civil society organizations in public debate and discourse.

Web Solution by Nimantha Dias


# 941/1, Jayanthi Mawatha, Kotte Road,
Ethul Kotte, SriLanka.

+94 (11) 2888790 / 91