
We conduct Research on Social, Economic & Political Dimensions of Human Development. During the last 50 years, we have carried out over 1500 research studies. Some of our recent studies are: –

  • Macroeconomic Impact of International Migration (South Asia Network of Economic Research Institute (SANEI)
  • Search for a Sri Lankan Identity with Peace Building through the Application of core religious values and synthesis of relevant Local Indicators (GTZ-FLICT)
  • Early Child Education Studies in Sri Lanka (The World Bank)
  • Survey on Language Resource Needs Assessment -National Language Project (NLP)
  • Early Child Development in Sri Lanka (The World Bank)
  • Survey on Self Employment Promotion Initiative (SEPI) Loan Scheme (Ministry of Skills Development and Vocational Studies)
  • Survey to Ascertain the Perception of Court Users (Chemonics International)
  • Language Audit of Public Institutions in Sri Lanka (pilot project) (UNDP)
  • The Marga study on Urbanisation (Gamani Corea Foundation)
  • The Marga study on Female Labour Force Participation (Gamani Corea Foundation)
  • Marga Study on Secondary Education (Gamani Corea Foundation)
  • Community Assessments of Spread of Hate Speech, Social Cohesion and Preventing Violent Extremism. (UNDP)
  • Phone survey to ascertain the impact of COVID-19 on Early Childhood Development Centres (Pre-schools) (World Bank)
  • Survey on the Drivers and Barriers faced by Small and Medium enterprises in aligning with Responsible Business Practices in the COVID-19 context (UNDP)
  • Developing case studies on the provision of Seed Grants to Promote Inter-Community Collaboration and Social Cohesion (Asia Foundation)
  • Survey to measure and track the progress of compliance of Public authorities on the Official Languages Policy and Advocacy Programme (UNDP)
  • Development Dialogues (Asia Foundation)
  • Measuring and Responding to National Languages compliance of Provincial Public authorities in the North, East, North-western and Uva provinces in Sri Lanka (UNDP)
  • Monitoring Online and Offline Media Platforms to assess their impact on minority communities in Sri Lanka (UNDP)
  • Survey of 30 Public Institutions on the level of compliance with the Official Languages Policy (National Languages Equality Advancement Project -NLEAP Canada)


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The Marga Institute was set up in 1972 as independent non-profit development research & training center with an activist arm that engages with civil society organizations in public debate and discourse.

Web Solution by Nimantha Dias


# 941/1, Jayanthi Mawatha, Kotte Road,
Ethul Kotte, SriLanka.

+94 (11) 2888790 / 91