Education and Training
Marga Institute, utilising its unique experience over five decades in the field of Development Studies, is pleased to offer courses through its Education and Training Programme.
- Certificate Course in Statistics in Research with a guide to SPSS and
- Research Methodology
Some of our recent Education & Training Programmes
- Post Graduate Diploma and Master in Development Studies in collaboration with Open University of Sri Lanka (discontinued in 2019)
- Diploma in Development Studies for Community Practitioners (World Vision staff)
- Research methodology in Community Development (World Vision Staff)
- Training programme on Research Methods for Social Research in Sinhala & Tamil Medium (Staff of Ministry of National Languages and Social Integration)
- Research Methodologies (Staff of Official Languages Commission)
- Research Methodologies (Staff of National Police Commission)
- Negotiating Skills (UNDP programme staff)
- Effective Proposal Writing and reporting (UNDP Staff)
- Results Based Management (UNDP staff)
- Research Methodologies / Mystery Customer Audit on compliance with Official Languages Policy (Trained over 830 members of CBOs and Language Societies in Colombo, Kandy, Puttalam, Vavuniya and Ampara Districts)
Marga Institute’s Communication Team has worked on the following projects during the last three years
- Tool kit for CSOs and CBOs to support freedom of religion and belief (Supported by the Royal Embassy of Nederland)
- Social Media Campaign to counter harmful speech
- Social Media Campaigns to promote language rights and second language learning (NLEAP)
- Social Media and TV Campaigns to promote Official Language Policy (UNDP)
- Implementing an Advocacy and Communication Campaign for the 2022 Climate Promise Project (UNDP)

The Marga Institute was set up in 1972 as independent non-profit development research & training center with an activist arm that engages with civil society organizations in public debate and discourse.
Web Solution by Nimantha Dias
# 941/1, Jayanthi Mawatha, Kotte Road,
Ethul Kotte, SriLanka.
+94 (11) 2888790 / 91